Potluck 5:30 PM
Concert 6:30 PM
RSVP for in-person
RSVP for Zoom
Requested donation is
$25 in-person
$10 for Zoom
Cedar Dobson, 24, is a multi-credentialed visual artist, photographer, videographer, musician and composer specializing in traditional Irish and Scottish music. Cedar plays the Tin Whistle, Irish Flute, Bodhrán, Mandolin, Uilleann Pipes, and Guitar. Although born and raised in the Sierra Nevada foothills of California, Cedar has moved to Dublin, Ireland, where she has earned her BA degree in Music Production and now aspires to a career as an independent musician.
Cedar has just released her second album, A Whistle Wonderland, Christmas Melodies in a Celtic Style, and will be giving several in person performances, on Monday, January 6th, Cedar will give a house concert here at Cope-a-cabana in San Jose, CA
Cedar Dobson Music:
https://cedardobsonmusic.bandcamp.com/album/harmoniesContact Cedar:
Email: cedardobsonmusic@gmail.com
Facebook: Cedar Dobson Music
Instagram: @cedar_dobson_music
Youtube: Cedar Dobson Music
Website: www.cedardobson.com
Rent details here!
Click here for upcoming events
Attention to performers:
send an email to Bill Cope to ask about performance opportunities: Bill@Cope-a-cabana.com
In-person & Online Zoomshops & Materials:
Balkan Instrumental on-site & zoom-shops w/Bill Cope
Purchase Noyz Boys CDs
Music Charts, 60s and 70s Sing-alongs (and beyond!) w/Bill Cope
See full Cope-a-cabana Calendar
Cope-a-Cabana could be your cozy, peaceful, and fun home. If you have any question regarding becoming a housemate, please check out the rooms available and contact us.
Join Bill Cope’s Cope-a-cabana Facebook Group or directly on Facebook or YouTube
See full Cope-a-cabana, AmeriCeltic & California Events Calendars
Subscribe to Events (Sing-alongs, future concerts, Karaoke, etc.)
Check out KoloFestival as well!